11 May 2010

I saw this poster in the cafeteria at my kids' school.  I don't think it's appropriate.  It basically says "Attention students: fat dorky kids that wear glasses, like the one in this picture, are just asking to be abused and made fun of.  But please refrain, because you might hurt their feelings.  And since we stop all teasing before it starts, they will be unable to handle the harassment and will end up killing someone.  That someone might be them, but it also might be you.  And when that happens, we won't blame them.  We'll blame you, because we put this poster up to stop you but you teased them anyway.  You bastards."

The fact that this shit goes on in my super-conservative TX school district is terrifying.  I can only imagine what miserable shit must be happening in more "Progressive" districts.  Next thing you know, students will be banned from wearing red, white, and blue because it might offend an immigrant student.

Oh wait...

1 comment:

  1. wow - two little words elicit this reaction from you...I wonder - were you the kid who picked on others and now feel the next generation should be granted the same bullying freedom? All this poster says is "Mean People Suck." and you know what? they do, they really do...
